Man-Made Sunshine - Big Text

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[Verse 1]
I stayed with you all night
As you spat out your sleeping pills
You were swimming in the in-between
Mumblin' that she ain't comin' back
I stayed with you all day
You were livin' by the seaside
On the couch too big for a room that size
An overpriced golden ring table side

Don't sleep
I'm not ready to lose you

I'm not ready to lose you
(Am I big to you now?)

While I pick up the pieces that you left of my life
I remember your innocent heart
Same that beats in me, it ain't complete in me
Am I big to you now?
While I patch up the piеces, I hear it in the night
It's thе sound of alone in the dark
The way it eats at you
Nothing complete in you
It ain't so big to me now
I'll be big for you now

I'm not ready to lose you (Don't sleep)
I'm not ready to lose you (Am I big to you now?)

[Verse 2]

Though you don't realise
There's a crack that runs through your skin (There's a crack that runs through your skin)
It's lettin' the light out
Somethin' beautiful you always had within

While I pick up the pieces that you left of my life
I remember your innocent heart
Same that beats in me, it ain't complete in me
Am I big to you now?
While I patch up the pieces, I hear it in the night
It's the sound of alone in the dark
The way it eats at you
Nothing complete in you
It ain't so big to me now
I'll be big for you now

[Verse 3]
I'll forgive you now
Forget the way things were
Don't need a single word
I'll be big for you now

While I pick up the pieces that you left of my life
I remember your innocent heart
Same that beats in me, it ain't complete in me
Am I big to you now?
While I patch up the pieces, I hear it in the night
It's the sound of alone in the dark
The way it eats at you
Nothing complete in you
It ain't so big to me now
I'll be big for you now

Man-Made Sunshine - Big Songtext

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