KING CRIMSON - Cadence And Cascade Text

Songtext zu Cadence And Cascade

Cadence and Cascade
Kept a man named Jade;
Cool in the shade
While his audience played.

Purred, whispered, “Spend us too:
We only serve for you”.

Sliding mystified
On the wine of the tide
Stared pale-eyed
As his veil fell aside.

Sad paper courtesan

They found him just a man.

Caravan hotel
Where the sequin spell fell
Custom of the game.
Cadence oiled in love
Licked his velvet gloved hand
Cascade kissed his name.

Sad paper courtesan
They knew him just a man.

Cadence and Cascade (2x)

KING CRIMSON - Cadence And Cascade Songtext

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KING CRIMSON Cadence And Cascade Letra de Cadence And Cascade com KING CRIMSON
Album: In The Wake Of Posedion (1970)

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