Kungs - Lipstick Text

Songtext zu Lipstick

Open the door, just take me down
I wanna step into a dream
Lift off the ground, funs in the air
I'm floating up into the beat

I see the sound, it's all around
It shakes the ground under my feet
It's red and blue, it's every hue
I think it's true I'm in a dream

Feel it

Kiss it

Feel it
Kiss it

I see your lipstick
I wanna
I wanna kiss it
I see you

I see your lipstick
I wanna
I wanna kiss it
I see you

I see...

I see the sound, it's all around

It shakes the ground under my feet

It's red and blue, it's every hue
I think it's true I'm in a dream

Music (Now and forever)
Feel it (Dancing together)
Lipstick (Now and forever)
Kiss It (Dancing together)

Music (Now and forever)
Feel it (Dancing together)
Lipstick (Now and forever)
Kiss It (Dancing together)

I see your lipstick
I wanna
I wanna kiss it
I see you

I see your lipstick
I wanna
I wanna kiss it
I see you

Now and forever
Dancing together
Now and forever
Dancing together
Now and forever
Dancing together

Music (Now and forever)
Feel it (Dancing together)
Lipstick (Now and forever)
Kiss It (Dancing together)

Music (Now and forever)
Feel it (Dancing together)
Lipstick (Now and forever)
Kiss It (Dancing together)

I see your lipstick
I wanna
I wanna kiss it
I see you

I see your lipstick
I wanna
I wanna kiss it
I see you

Kungs - Lipstick Songtext

zu Lipstick von Kungs - Lipstick Lyrics of Lipstick by Kungs - Lipstick Text Lipstick Kungs Lipstick Liedtext
Kungs Lipstick Letra de Lipstick com Kungs

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