Kungs - This Girl TEXT

This Girl
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Songtext zu This Girl

There's this girl, the one and only wonder of this world (my
And it don't matter if the road gets rough (yeah) if me rich
or poor (yeah)
She stay down with me if me go to war (my girl)

Love you cuz you are, every single star
In the constellation, that's enlightening my heart
Special gift from Jah, wherever you are
Girl you got more presence than a hundred santa clauses
And I know (I know) we'll stand together when the world
falls down
And I know (I know) that our forever's gonna start right

now, yeah

There's this girl, the one and only wonder of this world (my
And it don't matter if the road gets rough (yeah) if me rich
or poor (yeah)
She stay down with me if me go to war (my girl)
There's this girl, the one and only wonder of this world (my
And it don't matter if the road gets rough (yeah) if me rich
or poor (yeah)
She stay down with me till we in the floor (my girl)

These are hardest times, love's so hard to find
Blessed is the man who has a woman at his side
This for you I write, never do me wrong
If you're ever missing me just listen to this song
And yo

Kungs - This Girl Songtext

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