Purple Disco Machine feat. Kungs - Substitution Text

Songtext zu Substitution

Am I high or low
Am I bipolar
Need another you
To shake it shake it
Ohh I love that face
Perfect stranger
Cus I could use someone
To shake it shake it

But I know that I can't get you out of my head
And I know I can't numb you away
Yeah I know when I wake up with her instead
No there ain't no one replacing you

No there ain't no one replacing you

Been looking for substitution
Healing my hearts confusion
Been looking for substitution
But there ain't no one replacing you
Been looking for substitution
Losing all of my illusions
Looking for substitution
Cus there ain't no one replacing you

Gotta losen up
My emotions
Just start it up

To shake it shake it
When I hear your name
I can't be sober
I could use someone
To shake it shake it

Kungs & Purple Disco Machine - Substitution Songtext

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