Jethro Tull - One Brown Mouse TEXT

One Brown Mouse
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Songtext zu One Brown Mouse

[Verse 1]
Smile your little smile, take some tea with me awhile
Brush away that black cloud from your shoulder
Twitch your whiskers, feel that you're really real
Another tea-time, another day older

[Verse 2]
Puff warm breath on your tiny hands
You wish you were a man who every day can turn another page
Behind your glass you sit and look at my ever-open book
One brown mouse sitting in a cage

Do you wonder if I really care for you?

Am I just the company you keep?
Which one of us exercises on the old treadmill?
Who hides his head, pretending to sleep?

[Verse 1]
Smile your little smile, take some tea with me awhile
Brush away that black cloud from your shoulder
Twitch your whiskers, feel that you're really real
Another tea-time, another day older

[Verse 3]
Smile your little smile, take some tea with me awhile
And every day we'll turn another page
Behind our glass we'll sit and look at our ever-open book
One brown mouse sitting in a cage

One brown mouse sitting in a cage
One brown mouse sitting in a cage

Jethro Tull - One Brown Mouse Songtext

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Album: Heavy Horses (1978)

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