Songtext zu The Betrayal of Joshua Kynde
You just know it, don't you?You can sense it, can't you?
There's always someone to spoil the party fun
Turncoat in right-hand, right-hand trusted service
The moment come for the coup-de-gun
What did I do to so upset you?
Did you feel so cruelly, cruelly maligned
To push you to this cold conclusion
And the betrayal of Joshua Kynde?
A spy with coin, a coin of sweet betrayal
Of dagger hidden, black cloak unfurled?
Swayed, perhaps, by idealogical obsession
Or plain detachment, dark other world?
So take this silver, feel it rattle
Comforting in pocket and comforting in mind
Should I be flattered at this price upon my head
And the betrayal of Joshua Kynde?
How does it feel to point the stabbing finger
With perfidious kiss from those deceiving lips?
You sealed my fate as goodly Joshua Kynde:
The kind who played with fish and had his chips
So take this silver, feel it rattle
Comforting in pocket and comforting in mind
Should I be flattered at this price upon my head
And the betrayal of Joshua Kynde?
Jethro Tull - The Betrayal of Joshua Kynde Songtext
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Album: The Zealot Gene (2022)
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The Betrayal of Joshua Kynde
Songtext von
Jethro Tull
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