Songtext zu Gunshots
This land is my home, I'm brave and I'm free
Nowhere on this earth that I'd rather be
Again, I read the news and tears filled my eyes
If He really does exist, He's on the wrong side
Gunshots like church bells all over town
Run for your life and keep your head down
I can hear them calling to me
If this is freedom, I don't wanna be free
Your thoughts and your prayers will fade like the night
But hearts, they will break and stay broken for life
Another unmarked car, pure evil inside
It was over in a flash, please tell me you tried
Gunshots like church bells all over town
Run for your life and keep your head down
I can hear them calling to me
If this is freedom, I don't wanna be free
Gareth Emery - Gunshots Songtext
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