Armin van Buuren & Gareth Emery feat. Owl City - Forever & Always Text

Songtext zu Forever & Always

[Verse 1: Owl City]
Nothing left here in this town
All of life has been shut down
Take the last flight out tonight
Set a course for the moonlight
Say good night, city lights
Watch as they fade from sight

[Pre-Chorus: Owl City]
I would follow you to the end
Take a bullet again and again

[Chorus: Owl City]

And if we should die tonight
There'd be two more stars in the sky
‘Cause I'd follow you to the end
Forever and always
(Oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh)
Forever and always
There'd be two more stars in the sky
‘Cause I'd follow you to the end
Forever and always

[Instrumental Break]

And if we should die tonight
There'd be two more stars in the sky
‘Cause I'd follow you to the end
Forever and always

[Verse 2: Owl City]
The empty world we left behind

Is still so lonely in my mind
We're touching down on a new day
Of breaking waves guiding our way
An ocean bay hideaway, telling us we could stay

[Pre-Chorus: Owl City]
I would follow you to the end
Take a bullet again and again

[Chorus: Owl City]
And if we should die tonight
There'd be two more stars in the sky
‘Cause I'd follow you to the end
Forever and always

[Instrumental Break]

[Chorus: Owl City]
And if we should die tonight
There'd be two more stars in the sky
‘Cause I'd follow you to the end
Forever and always

Owl City & Armin van Buuren & Gareth Emery - Forever & Always Songtext

zu Forever & Always von Armin van Buuren & Gareth Emery - Forever & Always ft. Owl City Lyrics Armin van Buuren & Gareth Emery & Owl City - Forever & Always Lied Armin van Buuren & Gareth Emery - Forever & Always ft. Owl City Text Forever & Always Armin van Buuren & Gareth Emery Forever & Always Liedtext
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