Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie - This Is What It Feels Like TEXT

This Is What It Feels Like
Deutsche Übersetzung 🇩🇪 »

Songtext zu This Is What It Feels Like

Nobody here knocking at my door
The sound of silence I can't take anymore
Nobody ringing my telephone now
Oh how I miss such a beautiful sound

And I don't even know how I survive
I won't make it to the shore without your light
No I don't even know if I'm alive
Oh, oh, oh without you now
This is what it feels like

Nothing to hold but the memories and frames
Oh they remind me of the battle I face
without your love, without you I drown

Somebody save me I'm going down

And I don't even know how I survive
I won't make it to the shore without your light
No I don't even know if I'm alive
Oh, oh, oh without you now
This is what it feels like

And I don't even know how I survive
I won't make it down the road with one headlight
No I don't even know if I'm alive
Oh, oh, oh without you now
This is what it feels like

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