Yes - Survival Text

Songtext zu Survival

[Verse 1]
Sunshine is creeping in and somewhere in a field a life begins
An egg too proud to rape the beginning of the shape of things to come
That start the run, life has begun, fly fast the gun

[Verse 2]
The Mother flew too late and life within the egg was left to fate
Not really knowing how the world outside would take it when it came
And life's the same for things we aim, are we to blame?

Don't doubt the fact there's life within you
Yesterday's endings will tomorrow life give you
All that dies, dies for a reason

To put its strength into the Season


They take away and they give their life as they live
The living's right to live, it's all that we need to show
The living's right to know

[Verse 3]
The egg breaks all is out, the crawling bird begins to scream and shout
Where is the parent bird, a loneliness arose and heard its name ringing
For lives begin, survival win, survival's sin

[Verse 4]
So soon the evening comes with it runs the aching
Fear of hate could Someone still remain who thinks he

Still could gain by escaping fate? it's much too late
Don't underrate, appreciate

Don't doubt the fact there's life within you
Yesterday's endings will tomorrow life give you
All that dies, dies for a reason
To put its strength into the seasons


They take away and they give their life as they live
The living's right to live, it's all that we need to give
The living's right to know


They take away and they give their life as they live
The living's right to live, it's all that we need to give
The living's right to know, it's all that we have to show

And we're all going (And we're all going)
And we're all going (And we're all going)
And we're all going somewhere!

Yes - Survival Songtext

zu Survival von Yes - Survival Lyrics Yes - Survival Text Yes - Survival Tekst piosenki Survival Yes Survival Liedtext
Yes Survival Letra de Survival com Yes Yes - Survival Songtekst
Album: Yes (1969)

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