Songtext zu House In The Streetlight
I thought I could tell you
Through the words of a song
All the times that I fucked up
All the times I was wrong
And I hear you call my name and know I'm alright
So please just take my hand, hold me tonight
See the house in the streetlight
It's guiding me home
And as long as you're still there
No, I'm never alone
I can look into your eyes and feel I can fly
Please make it slow down, the days going by
If I don't make it through
It was all about you
It was all about you
If I don't make it through
It was all about you
It was all about you
Just look out on the stars
I'll never be far
If I don't make it through
It was all about you
It was all about you
If I don't make it through
It was all about you
It was all about you
If I don't make it through
It was all about you
It was all about you
If I don't make it through
It was all about you
It was all about you
If I don't make it through
It was all about you
It was all about you
It was all about you
It was all about you
Annabel & Gareth Emery - House In The Streetlight Songtext
zu House In The Streetlight von Gareth Emery - House In The Streetlight feat. Annabel Lyrics Gareth Emery - House In The Streetlight feat. Annabel Text Gareth Emery & Annabel - House In The Streetlight Tekst piosenki House In The Streetlight Gareth Emery House In The Streetlight LiedtextGareth Emery feat. Annabel House In The Streetlight Letra de House In The Streetlight com Gareth Emery feat. Annabel
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House In The Streetlight Songtext von Gareth Emery feat. Annabel
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