Fever Ray - Kandy Text

Songtext zu Kandy

[Lyrics from Fever Ray's social media]

We've been talking
Now I'm singing
What if I die with this song inside
I've been alone forever
You show a new book to read out loud
Please come home now
Tonight we'll go with someone else
I trust you
No answers
Simply wood and fire
She laid me down and whispered

All girls want kandy
Can you bring me back
All girls want kandy

Be still and patient
A new sounding instrument
We deserve rest
Lovelier than diamonds

She laid me down and whispered
All girls want kandy
Can you bring me back
All girls want kandy
After the swim she laid me down and whispered
All girls want kandy
Can you bring me back
All girls want kandy

Simply wood and fire
Lovelier than diamonds

Fever Ray - Kandy Songtext

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