Fever Ray - Keep the Streets Empty for Me TEXT

Keep the Streets Empty for Me
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Songtext zu Keep the Streets Empty for Me

[Verse 1: Fever Ray]
Memory comes when memory's old
I am never the first to know
Following the stream up North
Where do people like us float?

[Verse 2: Fever Ray]
There is room in my lap
For bruises, asses, hand claps
I will never disappear
For forever, I'll be here

[Chorus: Fever Ray]

Morning, keep the streets empty for me
Morning, keep the streets empty for me

[Verse 3: Cecilia Nordlund]
I'm laying down, eating snow
My fur is hot, my tongue is cold
On a bed of spider web
I think of how to change myself

[Verse 4: Cecilia Nordlund]
A lot of hope in a one man tent
There's no room for innocence
Take me home before the storm
Velvet mites will keep us warm

[Chorus: Cecilia Nordlund with Fever Ray]
Morning, keep the streets empty for me
Morning, keep the streets empty for me


[Chorus: Fever Ray & Cecilia Nordlund]
Morning, keep the streets empty for me
Morning, keep the streets empty for me

[Outro: Fever Ray & Cecilia Nordlund]
Uncover our heads and reveal our souls
We were hungry before we were born
Uncover our heads and reveal our souls
We were hungry before we were born
Uncover our heads and reveal our souls
We were hungry before we were born
Uncover our heads and reveal our souls
We were hungry before we were born

Fever Ray - Keep the Streets Empty for Me Songtext

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