Fever Ray - Looking for a ghost Text

Songtext zu Looking for a ghost

[Verse 1]
We don't come with a manual
Eating out like cannibal
Can we go now?
Is this night over now?
I know you know (I know you know)
I know you know
I like it like this
Steady like this

Looking for person
With a special kind of smile

Teeth like razors
Fingers like spice
Looking for a ghost
In the midst of life
Asking for a friend
Who's kind of shy
Can it be just something?
Can you just let me be?
Pretend it never happened
That it wasn't me
If it's a test
Just let it pass by
Like all the rest
That just passes by
[Verse 2]
You call me smoothie I call you bird seed
You wrote a note and put it on my windshield
Is this toy new?
Is this feeling true?
Is this thought through?

Can I come too?

Looking for person
With a special kind of smile
Teeth like razors
Fingers like spice
Looking for a ghost
In the midst of life
Asking for a friend
Who's kind of shy
Can it be just something?
Can you just let me be?
Pretend it never happened
That it wasn't me
If it's a test
Just let it pass by
Like all the rest
That just passes by

Even It Out
Fever Ray
Fever Ray
Tapping Fingers
Fever Ray
Let's go now
We've been out so many nights like this
Let's go now
Is this night over now?
I follow like a cloud
I've got it in me like a cloud

Fever Ray - Looking for a ghost Songtext

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