Fever Ray - North Text

Songtext zu North

[Verse 1]
I'm calling sex
It's a way to pass
Time forward
To see if time
Works this time
Like a way to thrive
Time onwards
It's a way to thrive
What if I told you in the whole wide world
There is no place I'd rather be

[Verse 2]
A map of words
It's a way to pass
Sex forward
Like a way to thrive

What if I told you in the whole wide world
There's no place I'd rather be
Than with you
Than with you
Than with you
Than with you
Than with you
Than with you
Than with you
Than with you


(Than with you) I'm calling sex
(Than with you) It's a way to pass
(Than with you) Time forward
(Than with you) To see if time
(Than with you) Works this time
(Than with you) Like a way to thrive
(Than with you) Time onwards
(Than with you) It's a way to thrive

Fever Ray - North Songtext

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