Songtext zu Look Back & Laugh
I wanted to get the hell out of Portland
You wanted to stay, it was more important
To be where you were raised,
I understand, my love
I wanted to roam and see the world
You wanted a home, one boy, one girl
But clearly, God had different plans for us
Going 80 down the interstate
I feel my heart begin to break
Is this choice
Or is it fate?
Maybe we were right
It was good to say goodbye
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
We both knew it was time
To leave those times behind
Let's hope that down the road
We'll cross our paths
So, we could look back and laugh
I'm sure you'll find someone you can settle down with
When I find the one, I'll tell you all about it
Wish we could've been there for one another
Going 80 down the interstate
I feel my heart begin to break
Is this choice
Or is it fate?
Maybe we were right
It was good to say goodbye
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
We both knew it was time
To leave those times behind
Let's hope that down the road
We'll cross our paths
So, we could look back and laugh
So, we could look back and laugh
So, we could look back and laugh
David Kushner - Look Back & Laugh Songtext
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