David Kushner - Cigarettes Text

Songtext zu Cigarettes


The smell of cigarettes
Is always a reminder that you're gone
I smelled it on your breath
Every time we'd sing our songs


Now you're gone, out of reach
It's said and done, and I can't sleep

Now you're gone, gone from me

It's so dark, I can't see
Lost your light that guided me
Now you're gone, now you're free

Now I smoke cigarettes,
So I can feel you in my lungs
I wish I could accept
Everything we left undone


Now you're gone, out of reach
It's said and done, and I can't sleep
Now you're gone, gone from me

It's so dark, I can't see
Lost your light that guided me

Now you're gone, now you're free

Ooh Ooh-ooh-ooh

David Kushner - Cigarettes Songtext

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