David Kushner - Dead Man Text

Songtext zu Dead Man

[Verse 1]
You make me not feel like a man
Keep throwin' stones for while you can
I know myself and who I am
There's stories in these calloused hands

That not a soul will ever hear
I've only grown from the tears

I'm the dead man in this war
But, baby, I've been here before
There's beauty hidden in the gore

Yeah, I'm the dead man in this war, ooh

Do you remember September?
Do you remember September?

[Verse 2]
You threw me back into the fire
I screamed while your smile was gettin' wider, oh-oh
Demons and angels in my choir, mm
Singin' about what I desire

And not a soul will ever hear
I've only grown from the tears, oh

I'm the dead man in this war
But, baby, I've been here before

There's beauty hidden in the gore
Yeah, I'm the dead man in this war, ooh

Do you remember September?
Do you remember September?

Wade on, wade on
Give me back my old salvation
Wade on, wade on
Give me back my old salvation
Wade on, wade on
Give me back my old salvation
Wade on, wade on

I'm the dead man in this war
But, baby, I've been here before (I've been here before)
There's beauty hidden in the gore (Yeah)
Yeah, I'm the dead man in this war, ooh

Yeah, oh
Yeah, oh
(There's beauty hidden in the gore)
(I'm the dead man in this war)

David Kushner - Dead Man Songtext

zu Dead Man von David Kushner - Dead Man Lyrics David Kushner - Dead Man Text David Kushner - Dead Man Tekst piosenki Dead Man David Kushner Dead Man Liedtext
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