David Kushner - Miserable Man Text

Songtext zu Miserable Man

[Verse 1]
Let's pack our stuff now and run away
We can't be all we want in this small town
Our life was rough, so let's make our days
What we want and I'll give you my last name

We'll take our chances
After all these letdowns
Let's keep our patience
Until ourselves are found
(Oh-oh-oh, oh)

All we wanted
Was a place to feel like home
That's why we parted
From our ways to heal our souls
I'm a small-town miserable man
That does what he can
I'm a small-town miserable man
That does what he can
I'm a miserable man

[Verse 2]
It's been some yеars now and we're okay
We havе some kids and built our dream house
We're eating dinner, so we're sayin' grace
Without the light we wouldn't find our way

How are we standin'
From misery to this now?

'Cause we've been stranded
To screamin' this out loud

All we wanted
Was a place to feel like home
That's why we parted
From our ways to heal our souls
I'm a small-town miserable man
That does what he can
I'm a small-town miserable man
That does what he can
Mm-mm, I'm a miserable man

(I'm a miserable man)
(I'm a miserable man)
(I'm a miserable man)
I'm a miserable man

David Kushner - Miserable Man Songtext

zu Miserable Man von David Kushner - Miserable Man Lyrics David Kushner - Miserable Man Text Miserable Man David Kushner Miserable Man Liedtext
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