Conor Maynard - Creepen' Text

Songtext zu Creepen'

Metro Boomin want some more, nigga

Somebody said they saw you.
The person you were kissing wasn't me.
And I would never ask you.
I just kept it to myself.

I don't wanna know.
If you're playin' me, keep it on the low.
Cause my heart can't take it anymore.

And if you're creepin', please, don't let it show.
Oh, baby, I don't wanna know

[Verse 2]
I think about it when I hold you.
When lookin' in your eyes, I can't believe.
And I don't need to know the truth.
Baby, keep it to yourself

I don't wanna know.
If you're playin' me, keep it on the low.
Cause my heart can't take it anymore.
And if you're creepin', please, don't let it show.
Oh, baby, I don't wanna know

Did he touch you better than me? (Touch you better than me)
Did he watch you fall asleep? (Watch you fall asleep)
Did you show him all those things, that you used to do to me?

If you're better off that way (if you're better off that way)
There ain't more that I can say (all that I can say)
Just go on and do your thing and don't come

Hate the feeling of when you want them but knowing that you don't need em.
You're telling them that it's over but know that you're never leaving.
You know that they're gonna play you no mattter how good you treat em.
The trust has been dead and gone like the messages they deleted.
And I don't wanna get even but I know you're up to something.
Your phone is always on silent, you're telling me that it's nothing.
But if it is really nothing when why did you get to jumpin?
As soon as I tried to grab it, my questions you keep on ducking.
Swear this shit is getting detrimental.
I'm sick and tired of you telling me it's concidental.
My therapist keep on saying you're fucking with my mental.
Your love will never be mine, you share it like a rental.

I don't wanna know.
If you're playin' me, keep it on the low.
Cause my heart can't take it anymore.
And if you're creepin', please, don't let it show.
Oh, baby, I don't wanna know

Conor Maynard - Creepen' Songtext

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