Kris Kross Amsterdam x The Boy Next Door feat. Conor Maynard - Whenever Text

Songtext zu Whenever

[Verse 1]
Baby, we'll be together when you come over
Ya, I need you to
Get you a ticket and I'll make you fly over
You won't make it through
I need some loving yet a little bit sober
Won't say goodbye
You won't regret when you're a little bit older

Whenever, wherever
We're meant to be together

I'll be there and you'll be near
And that's the deal my dear
We're over, you're under
You never have to wonder
We can always play by ear
And that's the deal my dear
And that's the deal my dear
And that's the deal my dear

[Verse 2]
My mama's mad but I never cared
And babe, I don't regret it
I'm pretty sorry that you never met
But girl, I'll work on that
Even a million miles won't get me going
I'll meet you every night
In every dream I find your love
That makes me smile


Whenever, wherever
We're meant to be together
I'll be there and you'll be near
And that's the deal my dear
We're over, you're under
You never have to wonder
We can always play by ear
And that's the deal my dear
And that's the deal my dear
And that's the deal my dear

I'll leave you with my fantasy
I won't leave you till' I die
Girl, you are my only remedy
If you go I won't survive anymore

Whenever, wherever
We're meant to be together
I'll be there and you'll be near
And that's the deal my dear
We're over, you're under
You never have to wonder
We can always play by ear
And that's the deal my dear

And that's the deal my dear
We can always play by ear
And that's the deal my dear

Kris Kross Amsterdam x The Boy Next Door - Whenever Songtext

Kris Kross Amsterdam x The Boy Next Door - Whenever (feat. Conor Maynard) Lyrics Kris Kross Amsterdam x The Boy Next Door feat. Conor Maynard - Whenever Lied Kris Kross Amsterdam feat. Conor Maynard - Whenever Text Kris Kross - Whenever Liedtext
Kris Kross Amsterdam x The Boy Next Door feat. Conor Maynard Whenever Letra de Whenever com Kris Kross Amsterdam x The Boy Next Door feat. Conor Maynard

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Kris Kross Amsterdam x The Boy Next Door feat. Conor Maynard

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