Clinton Kane - Dancing All Alone Text

Songtext zu Dancing All Alone

[Verse 1]
I was hardly in the back of the bus, and I couldn't figure it out
There was nineteen, maybe twenty of us, felt like I could just do without
It's like a bad dream, tryna keep my eyes shut and I'm starting to doubt
If I'll find lightning in a bottle, 'cause I've never had anyone

So, if I don't stay, will it matter?
'Cause there's no way to break the pattern

And I don't wanna feel alone
My past is not my fault

But my world keeps on breaking
It's always been the same
Half-drunk, friends feeling like strangers
Nothing ever changes
I know I'm forever dancing all alone

[Verse 2]
I've been running before I knew how to walk, when will I ever stop?
Always five feet too far from the ones who said they'd love me for who I was
And the silence of the beat of my heart has never been any louder
And it's frightening if I always end up feeling no one's around

So, if I don't stay, will it matter?
'Cause there's no way to break the pattern

And I don't wanna feel alone
My past is not my fault
But my world keeps on breaking

It's always been the same
Half-drunk, friends feeling like strangers
Nothing ever changes
I know I'm forever dancing all alone

Dancing all alone
Dancing all alone

Clinton Kane - Dancing All Alone Songtext

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