Clinton Kane - MEXICO Text

Songtext zu MEXICO

[Verse 1]
I woke up crying for a reason I don't know
And these days I'm living on my bathroom floor
And it feels like I don't have another choice, mmm, mmm, mmm
I wanna run away and never look back
Find some place, or a temporary hide
Would I be better off if I'm all that I have? Mmm, mmm, mmm

And honestly, honestly, I don't feel like living
I don't see, I don't see, I don't see a reason
Underneath, underneath all of me is screaming
Honestly, honestly, I don't feel like living

[Verse 2]
I woke up somewhere down in Mexico
Telling strangers I have never had a home
Thеy see me happy but it's all a fucking show
Honestly, honestly, honеstly yeah

Honestly, honestly, I don't feel like living
And I don't see, I don't see, I don't see a reason
Underneath, underneath all of me is screaming
Honestly, honestly, I don't feel like living
Honestly, honestly, I don't feel like living
I don't see, I don't see, I don't see a reason
Underneath, underneath all of me is screaming
Honestly, honestly, I don't feel like living

Clinton Kane - MEXICO Songtext

zu MEXICO von Clinton Kane - MEXICO Lyrics Clinton Kane - MEXICO Text MEXICO Clinton Kane MEXICO Liedtext
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