Clinton Kane - PANIC ATTACK Text

Songtext zu PANIC ATTACK

[Verse 1]
On the inside
I'm sick about it
Choking on nothing but air
I don't know if I will make it out of this
Living is too much to bear

And why is it so hard to breathe?
And why can't I feel anything?
Trying my best, but it's fleeting
The world is crashing on me


Don't know what to do
I don't wanna think about it
I'm losing myself in it all
To tell you the truth
There's no hope when I'm in it
I'm drowning alone in my arms

[Verse 2]
And it's too loud for me to fight it
So I give in to me giving up
And I'm not proud, when I try to hide it
But the colder, the more I feel numb

And why is it so hard to breathe?
And why can't I feel anything?
Trying my best, but it's fleeting
The world is crashing on me

Don't know what to do
I don't wanna think about it
I'm losing myself in it all
To tell you the truth
There's no hope when I'm in it
I'm drowning alone in my arms

Spending my whole life
Flashing in my еyes
Wondering if God evеn cares for me at all
Spending my whole life
Flashing in my eyes
Wondering if God even cares at all

Don't know what to do
I don't wanna think about it
And I'm losing myself in it all
To tell you the truth
There's no hope when I'm in it
I'm drowning alone in my arms
Don't know what to do (Do, about it)
And I'm losing myself in it all
To tell you the truth (Truth, in it)
I'm drowning alone in my arms

Clinton Kane - PANIC ATTACK Songtext

zu PANIC ATTACK von Clinton Kane - PANIC ATTACK Lyrics Clinton Kane - PANIC ATTACK Text PANIC ATTACK Clinton Kane PANIC ATTACK Liedtext
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