Zara Larsson - Nothing Text

Songtext zu Nothing

You can be quiet
You can deny it
Sit there in silence
All you want
Tell me you're fine, yeah
Give me a smile
But I know that somethin's goin' on

All because
One of us
Is sayin' nothing

And that's how it starts
Yeah, I know you well
When you say it's nothin'
It all falls apart
Yeah, I know too well (Well)
When you say it's nothin'
It's never nothin'
It's never nothin'

Somethin' has changed
When you say my name, and
You're not the same man
Try to be patient
Givin' you space, but
Seems like your mind's halfway out thе door (Where you goin', baby?)

No more trust
Both of us

Know you'rе bluffin'

And that's how it starts (Starts)
'Cause I know you well
When you say it's nothin' (When you say it's nothin')
It all falls apart
Yeah, I know too well (When you say)
When you say it's nothin'
It's never nothin'
It's never nothin' (No, it's never nothin')
(No, it's never nothin')

I wish you could tell me
What you're thinkin'
What you're goin' through now
'Cause if you don't tell me
We can't fix it
Can't find a way out

If you still care
Want me there
Please, say somethin'

And that's how it starts (Starts)
Yeah, I know you well (When you say it's nothin')
When you say it's nothin' (When you say it's, ah)
It all falls apart (Ah)
Yeah, I know too well (Well)
When you say it's nothin'
It's never nothin' (Baby)
It's never nothin'

Zara Larsson - Nothing Songtext

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