Wishbone Ash - Time Was TEXT

Time Was
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Songtext zu Time Was

I've got to rearrange my life
I've got to rearrange my world
I miss you, I need you

I've got to keep my memories aside
I've got to try to live again

Time was when there were things around to be afraid of
I've got cause, I couldn't change my mind to turn the tables

Time was there was no need to stop and rearrange it
Now I've got a memory and I don't want to change it

And there's a time for waking up and feeling down

It's when you have to pick your feet up from the ground

Time was when I had you around - I was a strong man
I need you to help me make a change and be a new man

Takes more than a day and a night for giving
It's not so easy to just change your way of living

Time was when there were things around to bother me
The crime was I couldn't start to change my history

Wishbone Ash - Time Was Songtext

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Album: Argus (Deluxe Edition) (1972)

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