WISHBONE ASH - The King Will Come TEXT

The King Will Come
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Songtext zu The King Will Come

In the fire, the king will come
Thunder rolls, piper and drum
Evil sons, overrun
Count their sins, judgment comes

The checkerboard of nights and days
Man will die, man be saved
The sky will fall, the earth will pray
When judgment comes to claim its day

See the word of the prophet
On a stone in his hand
Poison pen revelation
Or just a sign in the sand

The checkerboard of nights and days
Man will die, man be saved
The sky will fall, the earth will pray
When judgment comes to claim its day

See the word of the prophet
On a stone in his hand
Poison pen revelation
Or just a sign in the sand

WISHBONE ASH - The King Will Come Songtext

zu The King Will Come von Wishbone Ash - The King Will Come Lyrics WISHBONE ASH - The King Will Come Text The King Will Come Wishbone Ash The King Will Come Liedtext
WISHBONE ASH The King Will Come Letra de The King Will Come com WISHBONE ASH
Album: Argus (1972)

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