Wham! - Club Tropicana (Balearic Breeze Remix) Text

Songtext zu Club Tropicana (Balearic Breeze Remix)

Let me take you to the place
Where membership's a smiling face
Brush shoulders with the stars
Where strangers take you by the hand
And welcome you to wonderland
From beneath their panamas

Club Tropicana, drinks are free
Fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone
All that's missing is the sea
But don't worry, you can suntan

Castaways and lovers meet
Then kiss in Tropicana's heat

Watch the waves break on the bay
Oh soft white sands, a blue lagoon
Cocktail time, a summer's tune
A whole night's holiday

Club Tropicana, drinks are free
Fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone
All that's missing is the sea
But don't worry, you can suntan

Club Tropicana, drinks are free
Fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone
All that's missing is the sea
But don't worry, you can suntan

Pack your bags
And leave tonight
Don't take your time
Gotta move your feet, don't you miss the flight!
Pack your bags

And leave tonight
Don't take your time
Gotta move your feet, don't you miss the flight
(Cool, cool, cool, cool)

Club Tropicana, drinks are free
Fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone
All that's missing is the sea
But don't worry, you can suntan!

Wham! - Club Tropicana (Balearic Breeze Remix) Songtext

zu Club Tropicana (Balearic Breeze Remix) von Wham! - Club Tropicana (Balearic Breeze Remix) Lyrics Balearic Breeze - Club Tropicana (Wham! Cover/Remix) Text Club Tropicana (Balearic Breeze Remix) Wham! Club Tropicana (Balearic Breeze Remix) Liedtext
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