Wham! - Freedom TEXT

Deutsche Übersetzung 🇩🇪 »

Songtext zu Freedom

Everyday I hear a different story
People saying that you're no good for me
"Saw your lover with another
And she's making a fool of you"

If you loved me baby, you'd deny it
But you laugh and tell me I should try it
Tell me I'm a baby and I don't understand

But you know that I'll forgive you
Just this once, twice, forever
'Cause baby you could drag me to hell and back

Just as long as we're together
And you do

I don't want your freedom
I don't want to play around
I don't want nobody baby
Part-time love just brings me down
I don't need your freedom
Girl all I want right now is you

Like a prisoner who has his own key
But I can't escape until you love me
I just go from day to day
Knowing all about the other boys
You take my hand and tell me
I'm a fool to give you all that I do
Bet you someday baby,
Someone says the same to you

I don't want your freedom
I don't want to play around
I don't want nobody baby
Part-time love just brings me down
I don't want your freedom
Girl all I want right now is you

Hurtin' me, baby
Hurtin' me, baby
Hurtin' me, baby
Hurtin' me, baby

I don't want your freedom
I don't need to play around
I don't want nobody baby
Part-time love just brings me down
I don't want your freedom
I don't want to play around
I don't want nobody baby
Part-time love just brings me down

I don't want your ...
(I don't want your ...)
I don't want your ...
(I don't want your ...)
I don't want your ...
(I don't want your ...)
I don't want your ...
(I don't want your ...)
I don't want, ... yeah
Give me time to…

Wham! - Freedom Songtext

zu Freedom von Wham! - Freedom Lyrics Wham! - Freedom Text Freedom Wham! Freedom Liedtext
Wham! Freedom Letra de Freedom com Wham!
Album: Make It Big (1984)

Freedom Deutsche Übersetzung zu Freedom von Wham! »

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