Wallows - Especially You Text

Songtext zu Especially You

Thinking 'bout what you just said
Sleepless, now my eyes are red
My head can't comprehend
Living in the background, wondering what you meant

That's when my eyes got red
Thinking 'bout what you just said
Some things leave me confused
But especially you
But especially you
But especially

Can't get you off my mind

Life's like a waste of time
When you're not here to distract me from the things that I lack
Save me
Feel nothing when you're gone
Wait, did that come out wrong?
Don't know if I'll get it back
Wondering how you'll react, baby

Thinking 'bout what you just said
Sleepless, now my eyes are red
My head can't comprehend
Living in the background, wondering what you meant

That's when my eyes got red
Thinking 'bout what you just said
Some things leave me confused
But especially you
But especially you
But especially you
But especially you

But especially

Can't stop a mood that swings
I'll read into anything
I know that's not what you meant
I got the wrong sentiment
I tend to make a narrative
Paste it and make it stick
Decide the truth without facts
Can you just help me relax?

Thinking 'bout what you just said
Sleepless, now my eyes are red
My head can't comprehend
Living in the background, wondering what you meant

That's when my eyes got red
Thinking 'bout what you just said
Some things leave me confused
But especially you
But especially you
But especially you
But especially you
But especially

Wallows - Especially You Songtext

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