Wallows - Quarterback Text

Songtext zu Quarterback

I'm anxious, pacin'
Thoughts are raisin'
Is this over?
Why won't you call my number?
You said "I'll be alright"
I knew that by the look in your eyes
But anytime you want to know, I'll be the one
Do you feel the same or was it just for fun?

'Cause Summer's gone
I'll be 'lone wishin', for your call, startin' to freak
I'm not sure if he's comin' over for the night
Quarterback's fine

Summer's gone
I'll be 'lone wishin', for your call, startin' to freak
I'm not sure if he's comin' over for the night
Quarterback's fine

Spotlights, burn down
I'm left with my doubts
Every time the work for
I don't play for a team sport

You said "I'll be alright"
I knew that by the look in your eyes
But anytime you want to know, I'll be the one
Racin' to your door against the odds

'Cause Summer's gone
I'll be 'lone wishin', for your call, startin' to freak
I'm not sure if he's comin' over for the night
Quarterback's fine
Summer's gone

I'll be 'lone wishin', for your call, startin' to freak
I'm not sure if he's comin' over for the night
Quarterback's fine

Wallows - Quarterback Songtext

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