Songtext zu No Way Back Just Through
I am the blight, I am the emptiness
I am the night that comes for you
You can't escape 'cause I am everywhere
My immanence surrounding you
(Going nowhere) You're falling further
(Falling further) You're falling further down
(Going nowhere) You're falling further
(Falling further) You're falling further down
(Divine permeation of everything you think you are)
(There's no way back, no way back, just through)
There's no way back, no way back
No way back, just through
There's no way back, no way back
No way back, just through
I am the curse, I am the ambience
The sacred sounds that call for you
There is no peace, this is a reckoning
Your ignorance destroying you
(Going nowhere) You're falling further
(Falling further) You're falling further down
(Going nowhere) You're falling further
(Falling further) You're falling further down
(Divine permeation of everything you think you are)
(There's no way back, no way back, just through)
There's no way back, no way back
No way back, just through
There's no way back, no way back
No way back, just through
I will not live to see the final justice
But I'll be the one that comes for you
I am the blight, I am the emptiness
I am the night that comes for you
You can't escape 'cause I am everywhere
My immanence surrounding you
There's no way back, no way back
No way back, just through
There's no way back, no way back
No way back, just through (No way back, just through)
No way back, just through
No way back
Trivium - No Way Back Just Through Songtext
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