Travis Scott - Stargazing Text

Songtext zu Stargazing

Rollin', rollin', rollin', got me stargazin' (yeah)
Sippin' on purp, feelin' like the Barre Baby (it's lit)
Whatever I'm downin' got me goin' crazy (yah)
Psychedelics got me goin' crazy (alright)

I always try to zero out on the lean (yeah, yeah)
Then this girl came in and saved my life
Look up to the sky, down on my knees (straight up)
Out of nowhere, you came here to save the night
In the night-time (woo, yah)

Rollin', rollin', rollin', got me stargazin' (roll)
Psychedelics got me goin' crazy (oh no)
Niggas femalin', they excelling (yeah)
Are they intelli'? (what you tellin'?)
We propellent, up top with Ellen, uh (with the choppers)
Gettin' jealous with propane repellent, got me goin' crazy (it's lit)
On tour, we'll tell 'em, we brought the section (gang)
They keep on callin' up, it's getting hectic like we projected
So we cut the plug, he's gettin' checked in (got me goin' crazy)

Rollin', rollin', rollin', got me stargazin' (yeah)
Sippin' on purp, feelin' like the Barre Baby (it's lit)
Whatever I'm downin' got me goin' crazy (yah)
Psychedelics got me goin' crazy (alright)

I always try to zero out on the lean (yeah, yeah)
Then this girl came in and saved my life

Look up to the sky, not at my lean (straight up)
Out of nowhere, you came here to stay the night
In the night-time (woo, yah)

Travis Scott - Stargazing Songtext

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