Thin Lizzy - Still In Love With You Text

Songtext zu Still In Love With You

[Verse 1: Phil Lynott, Frankie Miller]
Think I'll just fall to pieces
If I don't find something else to do
This sadness never ceases
I'm still in love with you

[Verse 2: Phil Lynott, Frankie Miller, Both]
My head, it keeps on reelin
It's got me in a crazy spin
Darlin’, darlin’, darlin
Is this the end?

[Verse 3: Phil Lynott, Frankie Miller]
They say time has a way of healing

Dries all the tears from your eyes
But darling, it's this empty feeling
My heart can't disguise

[Verse 4:Phil Lynott, Frankie Miller, Both]
After all that we've been through
I try my best, but it's no use
I guess I'll keep on loving you
Is this the end?

[Verse 5: Phil Lynott, Frankie Miller]
Now that it's all over
Woman, there's something I think you should know
Baby, baby, think it over
Just one time before you go

[Verse 6: Both]
Call on me, baby
If there's anything I can do for you
Call on me, baby

Help me see it through

[Outro: Phil Lynott, Frankie Miller]
Call on me, baby (Call on me, baby)
Why don't you call on me baby? (Call me baby)
Oh, help me see (Oh, help me, help me see)
I'm in love with you (So in love with you)

Thin Lizzy - Still In Love With You Songtext

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Album: Nightlife (1974)

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