THIN LIZZY - Don't Believe A Word Text

Songtext zu Don't Believe A Word

Don't believe me if I tell you
Not a word of this is true
Don't believe me if I tell you
Especially if I tell you
I'm in love with you

Don't believe me if I tell you
That I wrote this song for you
There just might be
Some other silly pretty girl
I'm singing to

Don't believe a word
For words are so easily spoken

And your heart is just like that promise
Made to be broken

Don't believe a word
Cause words can tell lies
And lies are no company
When there's tears in your eyes

Don't believe me if I tell you
Not a word of this is true
Don't believe me if I tell you
Especially if I tell you
That I'm in love with you

Don't believe a word
No, don't believe a word
Don't believe me, don't believe me
Not a single word
Hey, don't try

THIN LIZZY - Don't Believe A Word Songtext

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Album: Johnny the Fox (1976)

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