The Dead Daisies - Shine On Text

Songtext zu Shine On

Sail on
Down to Avalon
Daylight share a sign
Across my path
How long
Till I come upon
My design
Out in the aftermath
Now I’m on my way
Inside a holograph

Chorus :
There’s no time
Shine on

High we climb
Shine on

Watch the Crimson sky
There’s no space & time
Out in the mist
I’m Waiting
Heavy to Deny
Heading for a crime
With no resist
Now I’m on my way
To find The Alchemist

There’s no time
Shine on
High we climb
Shine on

There’s no time

Shine on
High we climb
Shine on

There’s no time
Shine On
Shine On

The Dead Daisies - Shine On Songtext

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