The Dead Daisies - Resurrected Text

Songtext zu Resurrected

Stare in the mirror lines on my face yeah
I wonder where the time has gone
It’s been a long hard road out from the grave, but I keep a moving on
I been up, down, turned around, kicked hard to the ground
Keep a coming back again

From the ashes, from the flame
I’m here to light the fire again

I’m back, Resurrected
I’m back, Resurrected

I’m a man on a mission, you better listen
Ain’t nobody gonna stop the show

Riding high on my horse, ass in the saddle
All revved up ready to go
I’ve had nine livеs, every time, roll thе dice, pay the price
I do it all again

Another day, another dance
From the dead, a second chance

I’m back, Resurrected
I’m back, Resurrected

I’m back, I’m back, I’m back, I’m back
I’m back, I’m back, I’m resurrected

I’m back, Resurrected
I’m back, Resurrected

I’m back, Resurrected
I’m back, Resurrected

The Dead Daisies - Resurrected Songtext

zu Resurrected von The Dead Daisies - Resurrected Lyrics The Dead Daisies - Resurrected Text Resurrected The Dead Daisies Resurrected Liedtext
The Dead Daisies Resurrected Letra de Resurrected com The Dead Daisies
Album: Burn It Down (2018)

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