Sub Focus - Vibration Text

Songtext zu Vibration

I can hear our new vibration
Can you feel it all over the world
We come together in these places
And we dance and we live and we yearn

I can hear our new vibration
Can you feel it all over the world
We come together in these places
And we dance and we live and we yearn

Find your space in the darkest night
(ay-oh, ay-oh) say it one more time
Find somebody make it comе alive

(ay-oh, ay-oh), one more timе

(ay-oh, ay-oh) say it one more time
(ay-oh, ay-oh) say it one more time
(ay-oh, ay-oh) say it one more time
(ay-oh, ay-oh), one more time

I can hear our new vibration
Can you feel it all over the world
We come together in these places
And we dance and we live and we yearn

I can hear our new vibration
Can you feel it all over the world
We come together in these places
And we dance and we live and we learn

Find your space in the darkest night

(ay-oh, ay-oh) say it one more time
Find somebody make it come alive
(ay-oh, ay-oh), one more time

(ay-oh, ay-oh) say it one more time
(ay-oh, ay-oh) say it one more time
(ay-oh, ay-oh) say it one more time
(ay-oh, ay-oh), one more time

I can hear our new vibration
Can you feel it all over the world
We come together in these places
And we dance and we live and we learn

Sub Focus ft. AR/CO - Vibration Songtext

zu Vibration von Sub Focus - Vibration ft. AR/CO Lyrics AR/CO & Sub Focus - Vibration (One More Time) Text Vibration Sub Focus Vibration Liedtext
Sub Focus Vibration Letra de Vibration com Sub Focus Sub Focus - Vibration (One More Time) ft. AR/CO tekst

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