Sub Focus & Wilkinson - Air I Breathe Text

Songtext zu Air I Breathe

And you are all that I need
You're my gravity, my gravity
Pulling you in so deep
Ooh, you're the air I breathe
I know you're holding me now, oh

And you are all that I need
You're my gravity, my gravity
Pulling you in so deep
Ooh, you're the air I breathe
I know you're holding me now, oh

Ooh, you're my gravity, my gravity

Ooh, you're the air I breathe
I know you're holding me now, oh

I know you're holding me now, oh
I know you're holding me now, oh
I know you're holding me now, oh
I know you're holding me now, oh

And you are all that I need
You're my gravity, my gravity
Pulling you in so deep
Ooh, you're the air I breathe
I know you're holding me now, oh

Ooh, you're my gravity, my gravity
Ooh, you're the air I breathe
I know you're holding me now, oh

And you are all that I need
You're my gravity, my gravity

Pulling you in so deep
Ooh, you're the air I breathe
I know you're holding me now, oh

Sub Focus & Wilkinson - Air I Breathe Songtext

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