Sofia Camara - Who Do I Call Now? (Hellbent) Text

Songtext zu Who Do I Call Now? (Hellbent)

[Verse 1]
Still in the blue, say that I miss you, silence
Sit on my phone, try to refrain from dialin'
See, when we're good, then we're good, when we're bad, we're a disaster
Make out, slam the door, and then text you right after
I don't miss the drama, but God, I miss your laughter, woah

So who do I call now?
I'd give it all now
Just to be fightin' in the kitchen
Hearin' the crash of broken dishes
Thought it was bad then

This heartache is hellbent
I'd fall asleep to the television
Drown out the sound of your voice missin'
Now I'd do anything for you to yell at me
You left so quietly
But your silence is deafening

[Verse 2]
Hung by a thread, sometimes I wish you'd cut it
Hit me so low, then act like you're so above it
See, when we're high, we're so high, then we crash and we shatter
And make out like we're fine and fall back in old patterns
I don't miss the drama, but God, I miss your laughter, woah

So who do I call now?
I'd give it all now
Just to be fightin' in the kitchen
Hearin' the crash of broken dishes
Thought it was bad then

This heartache is hellbent
I'd fall asleep to the television
Drown out the sound of your voice missin'
Now I'd do anything for you to yell at me
You left so quietly
But your silence is deafening

I always come back like a sickness
Built the antibodies, get you out my system
The audacity to call yourself the victim
Kick me down, say it's not malicious
You use it all against me when I tell you things
Or even worse, you're not listening
I used to go to you for everything
So who do I

Who do I call now?
I'd give it all now
Just to be fightin' in the kitchen
Hearin' the crash of broken dishes
Thought it was bad then (Thought it was bad)
This heartache is hellbent (Hellbent)
I'd fall asleep to the television
Drown out the sound of your voice missin'
Now I'd do anything for you to yell at me
You left so quietly
But your silence is deafening  

Sofia Camara - Who Do I Call Now? (Hellbent) Songtext

zu Who Do I Call Now? (Hellbent) von Sofia Camara - Who Do I Call Now? (Hellbent) Lyrics Sofia Camara - Who Do I Call Now? (Hellbent) Text Sofia Camara - Who Do I Call Now? (Hellbent) Tekst piosenki Who Do I Call Now? (Hellbent) Sofia Camara Who Do I Call Now? (Hellbent) Liedtext
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