Snow Strippers - Genocide Text

Songtext zu Genocide

Stick to the past, everyone's going fast
Yeah, I know, I know
Stick to the past, everyone's going fast
Yeah, I know, I know

Genocide all around us
I don't think you're honest
Genocide all around us
I don't think you're honest

Genocide all around us
I don't think you're honest (honest)
Genocide all around us

I don't think you're honest (honest)

I used the mind-control in ways I shouldn't
'Cause you can find my soul
I'm waiting for it
I used the mind-control in ways I shouldn't
'Cause you can find my soul
I'm waiting for it

Genocide all around us
I don't think you're honest
Genocide all around us
I don't think you're honest
Honest, honest

Stick to the past everyone's going fast
Yeah, I know, I know
Stick to the past (genocide all around us)
Everyone's going fast (I don't think you're honest)
Yeah, I know, I know


Genocide all around us
I don't think you're honest (honest)
Honest, honest

Snow Strippers - Genocide Songtext

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