Sarah Connor & Naturally 7 - I Wonder Text

Songtext zu I Wonder

[Verse 1: Sarah Connor]
I wonder how the world would be
If all the guns were put to sleep
And there'd be no sufferin'
Can we achieve it?
I wonder if the world's messed up
Or some of us just need a hug
And if we sent out love
Would they receive it?

[Pre-Chorus: Sarah Connor & Naturally 7]
In winter nights
Snowflakes fall when angels cry (Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh)

[Chorus: Sarah Connor & Naturally 7]
I wonder
'Cause it's Christmas Eve
Maybe if we all believe
Could there be a world of peace?
I wonder
Do you share the dream?
I don't care if it sounds naive
I just wanna take a chance for peace
'Cause it's Christmas Eve

[Verse 2: Sarah Connor]
I wonder 'bout the broken hearts
Wishin' on a shootin' star
Trying to catch a dream
When they are sleepless

[Pre-Chorus: Sarah Connor & Naturally 7]
In winter nights

Snowflakes fall when angels cry

[Chorus: Sarah Connor & Naturally 7]
I wonder
'Cause it's Christmas Eve
Maybe if we all believe
Could there be a world of peace?
I wonder
Do you share the dream?
I don't care if it sounds naive
I just wanna take a chance for peace
'Cause it's Christmas Eve

[Outro: Sarah Connor & Naturally 7]
Let us pray for peace
'Cause it's Christmas Eve

Sarah Connor und Naturally 7 - I Wonder Songtext

zu I Wonder von Sarah Connor feat. Naturally 7 - I Wonder Lyrics Naturally 7 & Sarah Connor - I Wonder Text I Wonder Sarah Connor & Naturally 7 I Wonder Liedtext
Sarah Connor & Naturally 7 I Wonder Letra de I Wonder com Sarah Connor & Naturally 7
Album: Not So Silent Night (The Cozy Edition) (2023)

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