Sarah Connor - Happy New Year Text

Songtext zu Happy New Year

[Verse 1]
The last days of December, all resolutions made
And soon we'll all be tryin' to lose that Christmas weight
The year is almost over, but the best is yet to come
And soon we'll raise our glasses, go
Ten, nine, eight, seven-six-five-four-three-two-one

Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Just remember all the good, good times we've had together, my dear
Happy New Year, ah
Happy New Year
And in 365 days we'll meet again here

[Verse 2]
A cheers to new adventures and opportunities
To love and peace and friendship, and all our families
Such crazy rides behind us and so much more to come
So here we'll raise our glasses, go
In ten, nine, eight, seven-six-five-four-three-two-one

Happy New Year, oh
Happy New Year
Just remember all the good, good times we've had together, my dear
Happy New Year, oh
Happy New Year, oh-oh-oh
And in 365 days we'll meet again here, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

Da-da, da-da, da-da

Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm

So here's to all the memories, to friends who've come and gone
They're with us when we celebrate
Ten, nine, eight, seven-six-five-four-three-two-one (Wouh)

Happy New Year
Happy New Year, oh
Just remember all the good, good times we've had together, my dear, oh-oh
Happy New Year, ooh
Happy New Year, oh-oh-oh
And in 365 days we'll meet again here, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh

And in 365 days we'll meet again here
Happy New Year, ooh

Sarah Connor - Happy New Year Songtext

zu Happy New Year von Sarah Connor - Happy New Year Lyrics Sarah Connor - Happy New Year Text Happy New Year Sarah Connor Happy New Year Liedtext
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Album: Not So Silent Night (The Cozy Edition) (2023)

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