Pharrell Williams & Miley Cyrus - Doctor (Work It Out) TEXT

Doctor (Work It Out)
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Songtext zu Doctor (Work It Out)

I could be your doctor
And I could be your nurse
I think I see the problem
It's only gon' get worse
A midnight medication
Just show me where it hurts
I need to rock you, baby
Before your body bursts

Let me work it out (Oh)
Let me work it out, oh yeah
Let lil' mama work you out (Huh, ah)

You wanna work it out? (Wanna work it out? Oh yeah, ow)

[Verse 1]
You're my lover (You're my lover)
I show you sympathy
Take your sugar (Take your sugar)
And pour it into me
Let's let bygones be bygones and throw it all away
You're my lover
I wanna hear you say

(I feel like working it out) yeah
If that's something you wanna do (Uh, uh)
(Yeah, I feel like working it out)
Baby, if you want me to

I could be your doctor

And I could be your nurse
I think I see the problem
It's only gon' get worse (Uh, uh)
A midnight medication
Just show me where it hurts (Uh)
I need to rock you, baby
Before your body bursts

Let me work it out (Let me, let me, ah, let me, let me, let me)
Let me work it out, oh yeah (Let me, let me, ah, let me, let me, let me)
Let lil' mama work you out (Let me, let me, ha, let me, let me, let me)
You wanna work it out? Oh yeah (Wanna work it out, yeah, babe)

Are you on the fence?
Stop playing on the side
Are you on the fence?
Don't waste my damn time (Don't waste my damn time)
Are you on the fence?
I'll slip but I won't slide
Don't gotta be forever
Just together for the night

(I feel like working it out)
If that's something you wanna do
(Yeah, I feel like working it out)
Baby, if you want me to

I could be your doctor (I could be your doctor)
And I could be your nurse
I think I see the problem
It's only gon' get worse (Uh, uh)
A midnight medication
Just show me where it hurts (Uh)
I need to rock you, baby
Before your body bursts

Let me work it out (Let me, let me, ah, let me, let me, let me)
Let me work it out, oh yeah (Let me work it out, yeah; Let me, let me, ah, let me, let me, let me)
Let lil' mama work you out (Let me, let me, ha, let me, let me, let me)
You wanna work it out? Oh yeah (Wanna work it out, yeah, babe)

Let me, let me, ah, let me, let me, let me
Let me, let me, ah, let me, let me, let me
Let me, let me, ah, let me, let me, let me
You wanna work it out? (Wanna work it out, yeah)

Pharrell Williams und Miley Cyrus - Doctor (Work It Out) Songtext

zu Doctor (Work It Out) von Pharrell Williams feat. Miley Cyrus - Doctor (Work It Out) Lyrics Miley Cyrus & Pharrell Williams - Doctor (Work It Out) Text Doctor (Work It Out) Pharrell Williams & Miley Cyrus Doctor (Work It Out) Liedtext
Pharrell Williams & Miley Cyrus Doctor (Work It Out) Letra de Doctor (Work It Out) com Pharrell Williams & Miley Cyrus Pharrell Williams - Doctor (Work It Out) feat. Miley Cyrus Tekst

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