Peter Gabriel - Olive Tree Text

Songtext zu Olive Tree

[Verse 1]
In the misty silver night
My eyes fall to the ground
I can feel it come alive
In the seeds pushing out through the soil
New life weaves its way out through the coil
Nothing’s gonna hold this movement down

I was apart from it
My head in the sky
With no ears to listen
No light reached my eye
There grows the fungi

Still tied to its past
For the melting of the solid world
The change is coming fast

And it’s, oh-oh!
I’ve got the water falling on me
It's all waking me up
I’ve got the sunlight bright on my back
Warming up all my bones
I’ve got thе cool breeze right on my skin
Bringing every cеll to life
Making all connections live
From one point to another
And we’re all here, just the same
Tryna' make some sense of it
Where I’m going now
How it fits together
In the bigger shape of things

[Verse 2]
And I slide into the waves
Leaving land behind
It's another world I’m entering now
There’s the shark pushing through the swaying weeds
Predator and prey sort out their needs
Nothing’s gonna hold this pattern down

I was apart from it
In a world of our own
We lost all connection
To the place from which we’d grown
But here in this helmet
I can read other minds
And scan all the thinking
All the juice I can find

And it’s, oh-oh!
I’ve got the water falling on me
It's all waking me up
I’ve got the sunlight bright on my back
Warming up all my bones
I’ve got the cool breeze right on my skin
Bringing every cell to life
Making all connections live
From one point to another
And we’re all here, just the same
Tryna' make some sense of it
Where I’m going now
How it fits together
In the bigger shape of things

Water falls on me
It's waking up the world
Water falls on us
Falling from the head
Falling from the head
Falling from the head


I’ve got the water falling on me
I’ve got the sunlight bright on my back
I’ve got the cool breeze right on my skin
I’ve got the water falling on me
Water falling on me

Peter Gabriel - Olive Tree Songtext

zu Olive Tree (Bright-Side Mix) von Peter Gabriel - Olive Tree (Bright-Side Mix) Lyrics Peter Gabriel - Olive Tree (Bright-Side Mix) Text Peter Gabriel - Olive Tree (Light-Side Mix) Tekst piosenki Olive Tree (Bright-Side Mix) Peter Gabriel Olive Tree (Bright-Side Mix) Liedtext
Peter Gabriel Olive Tree Letra de Olive Tree com Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel - Olive Tree (In-Side Mix) Songtekst
Album: i/o (2023)

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