Songtext zu i/o
[Verse 1]I'm just a part of everything
I stand on two legs and I learn to sing
It's not what were said
It's not what I heard
I walk with my dog and I whistle with a bird
Stuff coming out, stuff going in
I'm just a part of everything
Stuff coming out, stuff going in
I'm just a part of everything
[Verse 2]
So we think we really live apart
Because we’ve got two legs, a brain, and a heart
We all belong to everything
To the octopus suckers and the buzzard’s wing
To the elephant’s trunk and buzzing bee’s sting
Stuff coming out, stuff going in
I'm just a part of everything
I'm just a part of everything
i/o, i/o
Coming out, I'm going in
i/o, i/o
I'm just a part of everything
[Verse 3]
I learn like a baby, I learn like a seed
Spread out my tubers wherever I need
I find any way to attach and connect
And I run like water, no cause or effect
Stuff coming out, stuff going in
I'm just a part of everything
Stuff coming out, stuff going in
I'm just a part of everything
[Verse 4]
When the panting is over and the warmth has run out
Love will be flowing, I have no doubt
With the vehicle in neutral and the ground to be faced
I’ll be all laid to rest in my proper place
Into the roots in the old oak tree
Where life can move freely in and out of me
Stuff coming out, stuff going in
I'm just a part of everything
i/o, i/o
Coming out, I'm going in
i/o, i/o
I'm just a part of everything
i/o, i/o
Coming out, I'm going in
i/o, i/o
I'm just a part of everything
Peter Gabriel - i/o Songtext
zu i/o von Peter Gabriel - i/o Lyrics Peter Gabriel - i/o (Bright-Side Mix) Text i/o Peter Gabriel i/o LiedtextPeter Gabriel i/o Letra de i/o com Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel - i/o (Light-Side Mix) tekst Peter Gabriel - i/o (In-Side Mix) txt
Album: i/o (2023)
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