Old Gods Of Asgard - Herald of Darkness Text

Songtext zu Herald of Darkness

Mr. Door
From what I've gathered
You grew up nice and sheltered
With mama's pretty stories
And your own made up furies

Alan Wake
And mama gave me a magic clicker
Well yes, I think it's true and fair to say

Instrumental break


C'mon in and listen
Lost words you've been missing
Of the fire you're bearing
The eye of the darkness, your light

Instrumental break

Mr. Door
So you were drawn to stories early on?

Alan Wake
My dreams would light up my imagination

Mr. Door
And you had nightmares night and day?

Alan Wake
Yeah, but with the clicker
I chased those frights away

Mr. Door
Who knew?

Alan Wake
So true

So hеre is a clue
Of hope to rеmember
Visions, they come true
Obeying the light switch too

Chorus -- Odin
Show me the Champion of Light
I'll show you the Herald of Darkness
Lost in a never-ending night
Diving deep to the surface

Mr. Door
And all your stories
Of crime and chilling thrillers
Of hardboiled killers
Became best-sellers

Alan Wake
It was all too much
I had to get away

The story's the end-all
A piece of true fiction
Made meaningless in the
Face of creation

Mr. Door
But there is more to it than meets the eye

Alan Wake
I never meant for it to ruin my life that way

Mr. Door
Would you say you lived a jaded lie?

Alan Wake
Dark shades could never save the day

Mr. Door
So sad...

Alan Wake
But true!

Fighting the nightmares
Torch and a light switch
A gift or a curse
A reality made of dreams

Chorus -- Odin
Show me the Champion of Light
I'll show you the Herald of Darkness
Lost in a never-ending night
Diving deep to the surface

Instrumental break

He could write a new story
Like Tom Zane before him
And maybe they'd be happy
Once again

Just one shot, one more chance
For him to save their marriage
Away from the city
A romantic getaway

Instrumental break

Still he's the torch-bearer
And it couldn't be much clearer
A war needs its warrior, true and right

But the darkness within him
Held her hostage
Had he seen her drowning
Would have saved her from the darkness of the lake

Instrumental break

Chorus -- Odin
Show me the Champion of Light
I'll show you the Herald of Darkness
Lost in a never-ending night
Diving deep to the surface

Instrumental break

Alan Wake
Such a Dark Place
Am I trapped in here?
Is this real?
I cannot remember

There was a manuscript
It held a key
A vicious cycle
I must not surrender to

Echo scenes to seek out
Again and again
Until I figure it out
To bring this song to its end

I gotta figure it out
And bring this song to its end

You have to find your way out
To bring this song to its end

Instrumental break

Alan Wake
I will bring this song to its end

I gotta figure it out
And bring this song to its end

Instrumental break

Chorus -- Full Cast
Show me the Champion of Light
I'll show you the Herald of Darkness
Lost in a never-ending night
Diving deep to the surface

Old Gods Of Asgard - Herald of Darkness Songtext

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