Songtext zu The Sea of Night
The Sea Of Night raging fire in our veins
The gold of a silent past, the moon in silver cast It's shine a vision quest, for us it gives no rest Through the beat of time, the flowing waves of rhyme We are guided by, Odin's all seeing eye
The Sea of Night running dark in our veins As life will wax and wane Like music we'll hear your waves once more And sail to another shore Northern shore
On the dreaming sea, where darkness sets us free Free of our worldly cares, we become corsairs And into wondrous worlds, we go with sails unfurled To battles, lost and won, to madness and beyond
The Sea of Night...
On the branches of life's tree, witness reality Split up into myriad lives, beyond all divides We have been warriors, poets and elder gods Brought back a bounty to our homeland and you
The Sea of Night...
Old Gods Of Asgard - The Sea of Night Songtext
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