Metric - False Dichotomy Text

Songtext zu False Dichotomy

[Verse 1]
Told we could be who we wanted
Or get what we needed, hey yeah
One and the other competing
Over the meaning, hey yeah

Back when I said that I want it all
This wasn't the point at all
Hostile to that superficial view
Show me something that can't be bought
It's harder to do than I thought
False dichotomy, no choice to choose
When you don't know if you should fall

If there'd be a net at all
Pleasure gets so easily abused
Show me something that can't bе bought
It's harder to do than I thought
False dichotomy, no choice to choosе


[Verse 2]
And when you don't want to chase it
But can't stand to waste it, hey yeah
It's either rags into riches
Or life in the trenches, hey yeah

Back when I said that I want it all

This wasn't the point at all
Hostile to that superficial view
Show me something that can't be bought
It's harder to do than I thought
False dichotomy, no choice to choose
When you don't know if you should fall
If there'd be a net at all
Pleasure gets so easily abused
Show me something that can't be bought
It's harder to do than I thought
False dichotomy, no choice to choose

Hate, love (Hate, love)
Hate, love (Hate, love)
Hate, love
Hate, love
Hate, love
Hate, love


Metric - False Dichotomy Songtext

zu False Dichotomy von Metric - False Dichotomy Lyrics Metric - False Dichotomy Text False Dichotomy Metric False Dichotomy Liedtext
Metric False Dichotomy Letra de False Dichotomy com Metric
Album: Formentera (2022)

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